Attract and Convert Your Viewer To Customers With Product Photography

It is a well-known fact that humans are visual creatures and approximately 90 percent of the information that comes to the brain is visual. Therefore, the image can attract more customers as compared to content. So, that’s why having killer product photos on your e-commerce site & even your brick-and-mortar store is a must. And, strong images grab attention, make you look more professional & most important generate sales. 

Thus, if you want to become the best product photographer Chicago, then take important tips that help you to take pictures in a way which assists you to attract customers:

1. Background and Context

Firstly, this section will talk about best practices when it comes to choosing a background for your product photos & presenting them in the right context.

2. Decide what background to use

Secondly, should you shoot images using a standard background or go for lifestyle photos (or do both)?

Well, the answer depends on what you’re photographing as well as where the images are going to appear. So, if the images are just going to live on your website, then having a standard & consistent background is recommended. And, this will make it easier for online shoppers to browse your site.

3. Use plain paper backdrops for a classic effect & use acrylic for a sleeker look

Next, if you’re going for a clean, classic look with your product shots, Product Photography founder recommends using curved paper backdrops. And, on the other hand, he says that retailers who want to achieve “a more modern, sleek look” can use a flat piece of white acrylic.

4. Use a shallow depth of field for environment shots

Whenever shooting a product in its natural environment, make sure you are taking the photo with a shallow depth of field. Well, this puts the product in focus and throws the background out of focus, training the eye on the subject you want to sell.

5. Shooting products on their own vs. using models

Moreover, most people, for example, aren’t comfortable buying clothes online because they can’t be sure if the merchandise will fit them correctly. So, this is why many apparel retailers use models in their product shots. However, on the other hand, consumers are generally comfortable buying stuff like pens or mugs online, which is why it’s not necessary to include people when photographing such items.

6. Lighting

Further, can’t seem to achieve the right color or quality in your images? So, you may need to do something about your lighting. A study proved that 90% of image quality comes down to correctly lighting your subject.

What is next after taking product photos?

Well, done taking photos? So, take the steps below to further enhance your images & optimize them for conversion:

1. Edit your photos

Well, if your photos look fine as is, then it wouldn’t hurt to at least check if there’s anything you can do post-production to make them pop even more.

Importantly:  I warn against over-editing images. And, do not make massive changes in Photoshop that will alter the appearance of a product’s essential characteristics. So, if you’re editing changes the color, texture, or boldness of the product to an unnatural level, and you are lining the buyer up for disappointment when they receive the actual product

2, Optimize your images for search

An often overlooked part of images in e-commerce is their value in search engines revealed by the study. And, high quality, unique images can increase exposure in search engines. So, don’t forget to name the image specific to the product as well as include the information in the alt tag as well.


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