During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Lockdown, What Its Effects on Wedding Photography?

Your marriage date is now postponed due to the Coronavirus; don’t be worried, the chain-reaction of this Mega-Bomb has just begun. Thus, according to Government policy, it would be extremely difficult for wedding planners & couples to actually go ahead with a wedding. And, it is ruled that current restrictions allow 50 or fewer individuals to be present at any event at any given time. 

However, this puts a huge restriction on having a wedding. So, if you were looking to hire an Indian wedding photographer Chicago is following all the rules made by an authority such as a breakdown. Thus, you have to wait to hire any photographer.

Effects of Coronavirus on Wedding Photography

Well, hire wedding photographers at the in-turn puts the Photographer under extreme mental stress like being of extra-careful, while doing their job properly and making fabulous photographs & films, not missing any moments, plus moving around freely. Besides, it becomes a very difficult situation where one has to deliver creative while putting their health at unnecessary & unwanted risk. If you don’t aware about Coronavirus then take a look at the following: 

Coronavirus: Coronavurses (CoV) is a family of viruses that cause poor health ranging from Flu to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). And, the COVID-19 is the current new strain, which is referred to as the Novel Coronavirus, which possibly originated in the Wuhan district in China in Dec 2019.

Why there is Lockdown due to COVID-19?

Well, the chain-reaction of this COVID-19 has just begun. And, China is at the epicenter has just had their first day of Zero new cases. However, Chicago is still underplaying the severity of the whole situation. Plus, not learning anything from what Italy is currently facing.

Therefore, from the research being put out there, the quarantine & lockdown on travel can last from anywhere between 14-30 days, so expect March & April 2020 to be majorly disrupted.

What would Photographers do at this Quarantine for 14 days?

In the Quarantine time, wedding photographers have to stay home and be safe; following is a compilation of stuff that can help you in the days of Quarantine & Lockdown.

1. You should take care of your health & live hygiene
2. Photographers should plan for a late wedding season and make unique & different strategies for wedding poses.
3. Wedding studios should offer discounts for further appointments.
4. Not to pay for equipment just now.
5. Photographers can spend time with your family
6. Can do self-quarantine
7. You can do read, study, Netflix!
8. For updated information interact with other photographers
9. Photographic studios should let your staff stay at home, pay them to advance!

Thus, for the best wedding shoot, you should not be in hurry, just stay at home and live healthily, however, if you start to feel extremely unwell past the first week then please consult a Doctor & head to a Hospital. And, break the chain of Coronavirus and save your dear ones and country as well. 


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